Career and wellbeing coach

Hi I'm Ingrid - Life & Wellbeing Coach, Career & Workplace Coach, Mentor, Certified Motivational Mapping Practitioner, Retail Director, Retail Consultant, Trainer and Customer Service Fanatic, Optimist, Master of my own Destiny and believer that we’re all capable of achieving anything if we really want to.

Being made redundant was one of the worst things that I’d ever experienced, but it gave me time (unexpected and emotionally painful as that time was) to re-evaluate my life and to understand what really motivated me. After a lot of reflection and soul searching, I realised that the thing I loved most in all the retail roles I’d had was the opportunity to help others to achieve their personal goals. I also realised that working with retail businesses, in a consulting capacity, to improve sales and profit wasn’t something I wanted to give up, but that my primary focus would be on influencing sales and profit through training, coaching and service initiatives.

The search for what really motivated me led to my decision to retrain, and to change my career direction, and ultimately resulted in my becoming the founder of Forage and thus enabling me to continue to do what I loved - helping others to achieve their goals through bespoke coaching, mentoring and consulting services.

Ingrid glasby

My Values

  1. Authenticity
    Our working relationship will be founded on honesty and trust. I’d always encourage you to tell me if there’s anything you’re unhappy with in my approach and I hope that our working relationship would allow me to do the same. This authentic approach will provide us with the foundation for working together towards your goals.

  2. Creativity
    Life is a sequence of acts of ingenuity and in this regard, therefore, we are all creative. I’ll help you to be more creative in your approach to whatever problem we work on. My approach is structured but not formulaic, which means that the solutions I help you to create will be specifically tailored to your needs.

  3. Humility
    My approach is nonjudgmental and emotionally neutral - I don’t feel it’s my place to be anything different. I help you to find solutions by putting forward ideas and using examples of my own experiences where appropriate. I do that purely to help you to formulate your own way of achieving your goals.

Find out how I can help you. Schedule a free 30 minute discovery call now:


The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

— F. D. Roosevelt