Changes in life and in work can be difficult to navigate alone and to manage in isolation.

Redundancy, divorce, children leaving home, a return to work after an extended break, taking on a new management role, having a new boss - just some of the changes that can affect our confidence, self worth and sense of control. Being unfulfilled at work can affect our wellbeing as much as feeling unfulfilled in our life can affect our work. My coaching services help you search for, and be, the best version of you in life as well as work.


Coaching to identify what you want from life, to eradicate any beliefs that are stopping you from achieving it and to empower you to set and achieve those goals that will move you into the life you want.

Job Coaching & Mentoring

Perhaps you’ve taken on a new role, you’re managing a new team or a new boss, or you just need a sounding board for a specific work issue that you’re finding challenging. Job Coaching and Mentoring provides you with objective support and the ability to explore new methods of working so you can be the best version of you in the workplace.


A three step programme designed to: identify what really motivates you, set your long term career goals and work with you to achieve them.

Interview preparation and CV WRITING

A short programme of coaching focussed on improving your confidence and equipping you with an up to date and relevant CV.

Career Coaching

How we work together

Clarify - A free 30 minute phone call to give you the opportunity to discuss your goal and whether coaching is right for you, as well as giving us both chance to determine whether we can work together.

Contract - Assuming we’ve decided to work together, I’ll create a coaching proposal based on your needs. Once you’ve agreed to go ahead, we’ll schedule our first session.

Coach - I use a combination of conversational techniques, active listening, observation and reflection to help you to find your own answers to achieve your goals.

Continued Support (Optional) - The opportunity to continue to work with me on an ad-hoc basis for some extra support if you’d like to.