An extra level of expertise to help grow your business

Poor service, a lack of commercial acumen, a culture of resistance to change, a venture into retail for the first time or the management of store openings - all of these can be hard to manage when your existing team are working at full capacity to deliver their ‘day job’. Taking on an extra level of expertise to work on one-off projects or as an interim addition to the team can really help you when your existing resources aren't able to.


Outstanding customer service is a retailer’s differentiator. It’s one of the biggest levers to sales and business growth. Sadly, the service experience in many stores is often mediocre at best. I have transformed in-store service cultures for many of the retailers I've worked with, including The White Company and Arcadia. I’ll work with you to review your service levels, identify opportunities for improvement, set service principles and design and deliver a training programme to transform your service proposition.


There may be times when you need to up-skill your team to manage profit more effectively or to manage their store more commercially, but you don’t have the internal resource to do it. Whatever your training needs are, I’ll work with you to create a specifically tailored training initiative to improve whatever aspect it is that you feel needs to work harder in your business.

Starting a retail channel & managing store openings

Working at The White Company and Pure Collection gave me the experience of starting and growing a retail channel. I've sourced potential units, managed new concepts, worked on product selection with the B&M and VM teams, and recruited and trained the retail teams. If you don’t have the expertise or the spare capacity to take such a project on, or you need someone to manage the opening of new stores in an existing retail business, I'll do it for you.


Sometimes it’s good to take time to review whether what we’re doing and how we're doing it is achieving the best possible results. I can carry out an in-depth review of your retail business in order to identify opportunities to improve sales, to better manage costs and ultimately to increase profit.


How we work together

Clarify - A free 30 minute phone call to discuss your business needs and to ascertain whether I’m the right consultant for you.

Confirm - Assuming you’d like to work with me, I’ll create a proposal and a contract of work outlining my approach to the project, my fees and a start date.

Collaborate & Deliver - I’ll collaborate with you throughout the project to ensure I deliver to your expectations.

Continued Support (optional) - The opportunity for me to continue to support you on an ad-hoc basis if you’d like me to.